Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sidleline Ho

I’m not sorry I don’t see you in the same light that you see me, I am however sorry that you can’t grasp that concept.

I don’t feel guilty for being the reason you are sitting somewhere feeling sorry for yourself, I will admit I am guilty for allowing myself to even THINK your pathetic state was my fault. – Thank God it was just a fleeting thought, a minor moment of insanity on my part.

I don’t care how good you look, looks fade with time. If that’s all you have to offer me, I’d have a better chance picking a grab bag at a carnival and hoping for a shiny prize.

So what, you give good head, Hell I give GREAT head! The tongue is not mightier than the heart. The best combination is when the two are in sync.

Yes, I’m in love, NO, it’s not with you.

Yes, I’m happy, NO, it’s not because of you… well partly it is, your absence has a tender way of bringing me joy.

Are we going to be friends? Hmmm, let’s see… Hell No! You’re trifling, petty, and weak… I have ENEMIES that I regard higher than you.

Why can’t I respect you? You offered yourself up as a sideline ho, you were willing to cheat on your partner, and you allowed me to disrespect you, just because you thought you might get some.

Here’s a hint: If you start out a sideline ho, you end up a sideline ho. I’m not sure what neurons in your brain were malfunctioning and caused you to think I would risk what I have just to sleep with you.

You have no control in this decision. I am the master of me, the ruler of my domain, and the creator of my destiny. Where you are concerned, I am not bitter, I am better.

Since emails I send have a way of being edited and forwarded to various people, I figured I’d make it easy on you and make this a blog, now you can simply send a url, WITHOUT editing my words!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One - The Poweful Number

As I write this blog entry, I am glancing at the clock, watching the numbers change. In less than an hour I will celebrate a birthday. It seems strange that for someone who constantly finds herself in the company of beautiful women and who parties to the wee hours of the morning, I am alone as this birthday approaches. Now don't get it twisted, I am alone, yet not lonely.

As the numbers on the clock sneak closer to my birthday, I am suddenly aware that I am experiencing an ephiphany. Now for those of you that may not understand what I mean, I will define epiphany... It is A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something. I think I finally understand the number one. If you caught one of my earlier blogs then you know I love math and anything associated with numbers.

The number ONE is the building block of numbers. Its holds significance in almost everything. Its a childs first celebrated birthday, the winner in all competitions, and the essence of what I am feeling at the moment.

Having halves of anything may seem like you have more, but the reality is that you have bits. It is a blessing to have a whole, something complete versus having many pieces, yet nothing that completely satifies you. In life and in love, everyone eventually has to anchor down to ONE.... One job, one love, one GOD, and one vision.
As I sit here alone I realize that I have many bits and few wholes. Because the bits are all different they will not fit together to give me my ONE. It gets tiring having two jobs, dating multiple women, and chasing various dreams. There comes a time when a person must create their ONE. In all things, something must take precedence and become your one.
Its not a great feeling to know that in love, whoever your ONE is may not be ready to make you their ONE. Perhaps they are still in the bits stage and have some living to do before they can get tunnel vision and see only you... Or sadder, even though they are your ONE, you may not be theirs.

For me, I don't know all the things in my life that are my ONE, but I do know I am ready to begin the process of elimination. Somewhere there is a woman who will replace all my many bits and become my whole. She will not ask me to share and will require the same of me. Something inside me tells me one of my professions is not lucrative and i should let it go and make my ONE a legitimate profession.
I'm not professing that I will change the person that I am, but that I will change the driving forces in my life and focuse on the ONE things, letting others fade to black. You don't know me, but let me tell you, I am on the path to something great. I will get mine, may be dime by dime, but I will get mine... And when I do I will know that my number ONE has come full circle.

Now, tonight I am chilling and reflecting.... tomorrow, there will definitely be a bottle in my hand and a sexy woman by my side! Wherever you are, celebrate with me. Raise your glasses and have something good to drink!!

Ladies... Who/what is your ONE?? And if you aren't sure, what are you doing to find out. Don't leave bullshit on this blog, if its not from the heart don't even waste your time

Saturday, December 13, 2008


It's not for sale in any retail store, you can’t get it from an “As Seen on TV” ad, BBG is made to order and must be made uniquely by each person that requires its use. The ingredients of BBG are different each time it’s made. I’ve seen a batch made in 10 minutes and then I’ve seen a batch that took MONTHS before it was complete. Once it’s made, if it’s made right that is, it can be a beautiful thang!

Before making BBG, you need to understand what it is, its power, and how to use it. Once you understand these things, you must decide if it’s really what you need. Its not something that can be removed once applied, it sticks longer than super glue and stains worse than red kool-aid!

Ok, ok, ok, settle down, I’m going to tell you what it is! No need to shout! A little patience goes a long way you know!

BBG as its commonly known is the acronym for the powerful Bitch Be Gone formula! That’s right, it’s Bitch Be Gone!! For those times when you just can’t get rid of a woman.

Now ladies don’t everyone close their browsers at once, take it easy. We’ve all had those stalker type females that just wouldn’t leave no matter what. It’s for those very people that BBG was created.

As stated above, the formula is different for every batch, and what might work for one may not work for the next. To give you an idea of some formulas that have produced a perfect batch of BBG, see below:



Removes the toughest of stalkers from your life with just a few applications!!

Fine print: we can not be responsible if at a later date you want her back. BBG is non-reversible.

Formula #1. Created by a stud attempting to get rid of a woman with bad kids

3 days of staying out partying without calling home

5 days of ass whuppings for the kids (depending on the age/size of kids)

2 weeks of not buying groceries

1 day of packing her things and placing them in storage for her

Formula #2 Created by a femme attempting to get rid of her cheating stud

1 day of beautifying yourself

1 day of shopping for some new clothes

2 Fridays of hitting the hottest clubs

3 dates with folks that are actually interested in you

15 minutes of telling her the utilities are off, the phone has been disconnected, and

the rent is NOT paid, and Yes, that U-haul that just left had your stuff in it on its

way to your NEW place.

5 minutes of you and your friends looking back laughing as you drive away and

leave her standing on the sidewalk looking shocked.

Formula #3 Created by me to get rid of a woman I know….. don’t ask….

1 Ingredient unknown

Feel free to add an ingredient cause the Bitch STILL aint gone!! HELP!!