Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sidleline Ho

I’m not sorry I don’t see you in the same light that you see me, I am however sorry that you can’t grasp that concept.

I don’t feel guilty for being the reason you are sitting somewhere feeling sorry for yourself, I will admit I am guilty for allowing myself to even THINK your pathetic state was my fault. – Thank God it was just a fleeting thought, a minor moment of insanity on my part.

I don’t care how good you look, looks fade with time. If that’s all you have to offer me, I’d have a better chance picking a grab bag at a carnival and hoping for a shiny prize.

So what, you give good head, Hell I give GREAT head! The tongue is not mightier than the heart. The best combination is when the two are in sync.

Yes, I’m in love, NO, it’s not with you.

Yes, I’m happy, NO, it’s not because of you… well partly it is, your absence has a tender way of bringing me joy.

Are we going to be friends? Hmmm, let’s see… Hell No! You’re trifling, petty, and weak… I have ENEMIES that I regard higher than you.

Why can’t I respect you? You offered yourself up as a sideline ho, you were willing to cheat on your partner, and you allowed me to disrespect you, just because you thought you might get some.

Here’s a hint: If you start out a sideline ho, you end up a sideline ho. I’m not sure what neurons in your brain were malfunctioning and caused you to think I would risk what I have just to sleep with you.

You have no control in this decision. I am the master of me, the ruler of my domain, and the creator of my destiny. Where you are concerned, I am not bitter, I am better.

Since emails I send have a way of being edited and forwarded to various people, I figured I’d make it easy on you and make this a blog, now you can simply send a url, WITHOUT editing my words!

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