Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sex and the Single Stud

Ok, we’ve talked about dating; assuming things are going well for you on the dating scene, let’s jump to the fun stuff – SEX! Now we all know that even though its cool checking out new places, trying new restaurants, and doing all the regular dating things, our ultimate goal is to have some earth shaking sex… Oh yea, and fall in love, LOL!

Although sex may be on our minds the minute we leave out the door heading to meet our woman, it’s not a good idea to let that be the driver for your evening. Sex is best when it occurs spontaneously; when both parties have reached the decision that its time to move to the next level. To me, pre-planned sex is never as good as that impromptu (spur of the moment for you slow folks) heated connection.

Just because we want it to occur naturally, and not be some planned item on an agenda, does not mean that one shouldn’t be prepared; this goes for both Studs and Femmes. If you are a Stud that prides herself on being a master of the strap, by all means, please have the damn thing handy! There is nothing worse than having bragged to a woman about your strap skills and then NOT having a strap! Now I’m not suggesting that you walk around 24/7 wearing your strap, that could be quite uncomfortable, but I am suggesting that you find creative ways to have what you need handy. There are plenty of ways to do this; there are tons of unisex bags that can carry all your necessary items and are also pretty fashionable. I tend to favor the Nike drawstring bags that are easily carried on the back and come in multiple colors. Not only can I take all my essential sexual items, but also any other day-to-day things I might need. Its closes tightly and prevents wandering eyes from seeing the contents.

Femmes, I’ll keep it short and simple. Keep the pubic area nicely trimmed, choose your underwear as if you were doing a photo shoot for Victoria’s Secret, and a little perfume goes a long way! A lot of perfume RUNS people away! Hands and feet should not be neglected. I hate seeing a beautiful woman and then checking out her feet only to discover they look like she has been driving a car in through Bedrock in the Flinstones!

On the issue of safe sex, Ladies, just because we are sleeping with other ladies does not mean we are excused from having to practice safe sex. It is a myth that HIV/AIDS and other diseases are not easily spread between women. Even if the statistics were to show that less than 1% of lesbians contracted HIV/AIDS via sex with another woman, why would you risk it???? Would you be willing to be that less than 1%?? Not me! I am not an advocate for volunteering and I damn sure would not volunteer to die!

If you’re using a strap, buy some condoms. It’s just that simple. Walk in the store and BUY SOME CONDOMS! Don’t let them sit in your dresser drawer until the latex sticks to the foil, use the damn things! If you’ve never used one before, Practice, Practice, Practice. It’s not attractive to be fumbling around when the big moment arrives. Yes, I know there is more to Lesbian sex than using a strap, but I’m not giving a semester long safe sex class, just writing a blog entry, go out and educate yourselves on safe sex as it pertains to the Lesbian community, familiarize yourself with the things available to assist in having safe sex.

Do Me, Do You – The give and take. Ok, I’m gonna get some nasty stares from some Studs on this, but WTF, when has that ever stopped me! Femmes, I love you, love making love to you, but I will NOT give you my all in the bed and have you give me nothing in return! Unless this is some pre-arranged agreement and money has exchanged hands, you will be reciprocating! (as a side note, I do not sell sex!). Just because I am a Stud and identify with more masculine tendencies does not mean that I have issues with you touching me, going down on me, etc. Hell, you can do me first! I know that my opinion is not shared by all Studs so my suggestion if that you know your mate and have an understanding of what’s expected.

After Sex – Well, I’m sure there are a million things that could take place after sex; cuddling, snuggling, more sex, breakfast, quiet talk, blah blah blah… If you happen to be at my house after sex please do not expect me to make you breakfast, I am a terrible cook; feel free however to cook for me! If you have been invited to stay the night, yes, I expect you to shower! I don’t care that I was just between your legs; I do not wish to be smelling your ass while I sleep or when I wake up. Same thing goes for dental hygiene, brush before you lay head to pillow. Yes I know that’s my pussy on your breath, doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to smell it when I wake up in the morning (even though I’m sure it smells sweet! LOL). If you haven’t been invited to stay the night, please do not be offended when I ask you to call me when you get home… this is your queue that its time for you to roll out, I’m sleepy and ready for some shut eye. If you miss the queue, you will be soon after hearing my favorite phrase, “Kick Rocks”!

I think that’s enough to get us all started now go forth and F*@k!!! LOL

Have a great weekend! I’ll be traveling this weekend but will be checking in on your blogs to see what you guys are up to; I enjoy reading each of your pages!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh well damn! You on point!